🌾 Aromatherapy 🌾

What is Aromatherapy 

Aromatherapy is a scientific art form of expression. It is a natural practice that requires the use of 100% pure plant essential oils for healing the body, mind and spirit. It is used to treat ailments and internal malfunctions, considering the practice as a form of therapy, since the aromas are pressed from aromatic plants. 

~ Aromatherapy encompasses a holistic and complimentary technique to administer natural medicine. It treats the whole body. Aroma-therapists, armed with technical understanding, artfully blend essential oils to produce new aromas that act as natural medicine.

~ The  benefits from the actions of certain oils, due to the unique properties and characteristics of each essential oil. Aromatherapy can be just as much preventative as it is curative.

~ It’s specialty is in the individual way that the essential oils benefit each person. Two persons are never affected by the same essential oil in exactly the same way. Amazingly, at times, even the same person can be affected differently by the same oil depending on their surroundings and time of day or mood.

Aromatherapists specialise in considering all of these factors when providing you with aromatic care.